Once a year, a bunch of people take a picture of a red “X” on their hand and share it with the world, declaring that we need to stop modern slavery as part of the End It Movement. A grassroots social movement to create awareness? Okay! It might be slactivism, but it is effective regardless.


How can you take part in the End It Movement?


1.) Find the next year’s date and put it on your calendar to remind you beforehand (in 2017 it is February 23rd)

2.) On the day of, draw a red “X” on your hand (don’t tell anyone, but pink works too)

3.) Take a selfie

4.) Post it with the tags #EndItMovement and #EndIt. (Donate money too!)

5.) Ask people to join you doing the same, or you can even prep a team of friends in advance (like the below team of babies did)


This is pretty much all you do to take part in the End It Movement! Nice and easy!


I love these simple ideas to change the world!


#EndIt #EndItMovement to stop modern slavery



If you would like some facts about human trafficking to share for the #EndItMovement and consider participating in March’s LBD.Project to keep the momentum going, get your copy of 31 Shareable Human Trafficking Facts.
Click here to subscribe

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