Update 2021: This course is currently offline. Since, it has been renamed Conversations With Kids About Exploitation. However, the first part of it, “The Framework” and some of it’s extra resources are avaible to you free here. These resources have been renamed Conversations With Kids About Exploitation. Please also sign-up for “The Table” newsletter in the sidebar for more occassional resources to empower you.
Aren’t Kids Too Young To Learn About Modern Slavery?
Sometimes we are intimated to bring up social issues, like modern slavery, with our elementary-aged kids. Have you ever found yourself putting off important conversations by saying one the following?
- Do they really need to know about human trafficking?
- Aren’t they too young?
- But they don’t even know about sex yet!
- Shouldn’t we protect their innocence?
- But my kids aren’t at risk, are they?
- What can my kids do about such big things?
- Where would I even start?
- I don’t know enough myself!
- Can’t I put it off until later?
Modern Slavery Isn’t Going Away
However you might feel about modern slavery and its associations (to name a few, sexual exploitation, human rights, and injustices directly tied to our ignorance)–these problems won’t just go away because we don’t like to think about them.
With over tens of millions of modern slaves entrapped in our world today, living all around the globe, found in every state, and in every socioeconomic sphere, it is time to stop ignoring. One thing I’ve learned working in the anti-trafficking field of modern slavery is that this problem will not disappear–it will only continue to grow.
Injustice thrives when it hides under the cover of darkness–a cover we allow it to lurk in by not exposing it.
But, we can change this. I have been party to some spectacular changes in the last few years, so I know this is true.
Parents Have Influence to End Modern Slavery
As parents, we have one of the most influential roles. We can raise a generation full of compassion who will stand-up on behalf of those who are oppressed and are empowered to protect themselves from exploitation.
This course was designed to help you raise your children be part of that generation.Â
Conversations With Your Kids About Modern Slavery
Conversations With Your Kids About Modern Slavery will be releasing Mid-June of this year (2017). If you are a parent, or know a parent, seriously consider your role to shape our society through your influence with your children. You will be surprised at how compassionate children can be when pointed in the right direction!
So often parents will tell me that they are afraid of their children being exploited once we breach the subject of human trafficking, or modern slavery. I understand that fear, having seen the devestating effects of childhood exploitation, both through sexual abuse and sex trafficking.
Still, I would have never considered lumping the awareness and ideas for advocacy with tools to help your child not be at risk of sexual exploitation. But, as these topics are linked in the mind of so many parents, I am going to teach you how to tackle both of them!
I am fully aware that you might have never had the “Birds and the Bees” conversations with your kids yet, either. But don’t be turned away because of that, as this course will help you navigate that too!
I realize you might not be so sure about whether this will really help you, so I decided to give you the first phase of conversations for free. Regardless of whether or not you decide to do the full course (six modules delivered over three months), this starting point should still really help you on the road to discussing these things with your kids.
Try out the first phase of conversations–Framework–from this eCourse, Three Months of Conversations With Your Kids About Modern Slavery, releasing mid-June of 2017.
Update 2021: This course is currently offline. Since, it has been renamed Conversations With Kids About Exploitation. However, the first part of it, “The Framework” and some of it’s extra resources are avaible to you free here. These resources have been renamed Conversations With Kids About Exploitation. Please also sign-up for “The Table” newsletter in the sidebar for more occassional resources to empower you.