Is this image below me on the beach? Pretty much. Almost. It could be me. I will happily take a picture of myself on the beach in this year’s black dress with a see-through scarf over my head dancing in victory–if (and only if) you decide to join #LBDProject2018 with me.
You see, the LBD.Project is currently Average Advocate’s biggest thing of the year, designed to empower YOU to make the difference you were born to make. Sure, someday I’ll start another new organization that will take all my time, energy, effort, and a new team of leaders to do something about another social issue that you also care about.
But come on guys, for right now, we’ve got equipping & empowering you to do something about human trafficking down-pat through the LBD.Project. You might as well take advantage of it.
Why are you here If NOT for the LBD.Project?
You see, when you came to Average Advocate, it usually meant that you wanted what was here. It meant that in some way or another you saw that I might be able to help you be who you were meant to be and make the difference you were born to make.
In other words, I imagine your subconscious thinking, “Well, maybe Elisa just might be able to help me make a difference in the world, even though I’m already busy, overrun and kinda just want to watch Hulu after a long day.” And THAT. I get that. Which is why you are invited to take part in the LBD.Project, because you are busy, overrun and want to watch Hulu after a long day (but this time, while making a difference in the world).
The LBD.Project isn’t like volunteering or giving all your money away. Relatively speaking, it is easy. It is a great way to get your foot (or at least your big toe) a little wet without selling your life away (that will come three years from when you decide to partner with me to make that other world changing project you wanted to make).
So what is the LBD.Project again?
The LBD.Project is a 31-day challenge to wear the same black item of clothing each day as it helps you learn about human trafficking, gives you a way to do something for our partner organizations (some which might be in your neighborhood!) and especially–it guides you down the road you WANT to go down. (Remember, the road that leads to your legacy being more than just someone who felt ordinary, overwhelmed, and watched Hulu after the kids were in bed).
I don’t plan on coercing you. This is it. I am just pointing out one more time that you were the one who told me that you want to make a difference in the world. This is your chance to start. Join us. I know you can totally be a #firestarter starting March 1st!
Learn more or sign up here!
P.S. No, you don’t have to know anything about modern slavery, or human trafficking to start. You just have to have decided you don’t like it.
Want to hear how the LBD.Project got started? If so, check this post out here about the simplest of beginnings.
Maybe the LBD.Project for you will also be a step of bravery beginning a new season. Or maybe you have another step of bravery–as always, feel free to reply to this email to share it with me!
Here is some LBD.Project story–why do I still do it? Why does the LBD.Project leadership team do it? Check out our stories of “why” we do this on Instagram!
My first podcast went up this week with Notre Dame University’s Trafficking Dispatch. Listen as I talk about the struggle so many people have trying to find their best role in changing the world, some lessons I’ve learned along the way, pitfalls to avoid, and about the LBD.Project. Listen here!