Is the Causebox Worth Getting?
WoooWhoooooo! Does anyone else’s heart explode forth with confetti when they see a beautiful subscription box like the Causebox sitting on their back porch? Confetti aside, I’ve been asked a bunch of times if the Causebox (brimming with all of its glorious socially good and ethically sourced products) is worth getting. As their Summer Causebox releases soon, I thought I’d help you get in the know about them with this completely honest review. Then you can decide if you want to buy one before they sell-out (and if you want to come home to exploding confetti joy).
*Note, this post was updated in June, 2019, originally posted in May, 2016.*
*This post may contain affiliate links and I might be compensated when you click through links on this site. Note that all opinions are still honest and this in no way affects you!*

Five Reasons The Causebox is AWESOME!
I love the idea of socially good products being dropped at my door. Let me give you five almost magical-ish reasons why:
1.) I LOVE ETHICAL PRODUCTS. It is hard to find these socially good products in stores, which makes it difficult for me to change my shopping habits to invest in ethical businesses. This is a high value for me, as I want to reduce my dependence on unjust labor practices (including modern slaves–which you can read about here).
Some of my favorite products have been the jewelry, a Swell Bottle, a mug, Turkish light-weight towels, a picture frame, teas, graphic prints, and some scarfs. (There is always something I love!)
2.) I FIND NEW BRANDS. Most socially good small businesses don’t carry a wide-range of products, so it gives me a good sampling of where I can find the things I want online.
3.) I LIKE STUFF CHEAPER. I usually can’t afford to buy many social good or fair trade products–this gives me a taster of what they offer at a drastically reduced price. ($200 of ethical products for about $50.)
4.) I WANT SHOPPING THAT’S EASY. Even when I do find fair trade stores in real life, they are usually terrible hangouts for a mom and three little kids (and bad news for parents everywhere)! A delivery to my house makes shopping ethical 100% easier.
5.) I GET PRESENTS TO GIVE! Usually something in a box will be the perfect gift for someone I know that I can save for their birthday or Christmas. This is by far my favorite reason to get the Causebox–I adore passing on my love for socially good products this way, and often later receive comments from my family or friends about how cool it is that their gift was made by a trafficking survivor, or helped children in poverty. #Ilovemyconsumersuperpowers

In a nutshell, [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@AverageAdvocate” suffix=”(tweet this)”]the #Causebox makes social good products easy & accessible to the average person.[/inlinetweet] And this is what we are all about at Average Advocate!

If you are interested in getting in on the Causebox, go here.
When the Causebox Wasn’t All Roses
Unfortunately, I did have some trouble with the Causebox, all of which required me to contact their customer service. However, this was only when I first started receiving them.
1.) I DIDN’T LIKE ONE PARTICULAR SHIPPING FIASCO. Once I was shipped two boxes. I could have not said anything, but I did. Every other company has just let me keep the item they accidentally sent me. But although I offered to use the extra Causebox as a giveaway, I was asked to return it with a shipping label I could print. But, as we didn’t have a working printer at the time, were in the middle of clearing-out and remodeling and moving cross-country, and in general, for someone who knows that the logistics of going to boring places with Littles makes something small like “dropping by post office” into am exhausting event–I was rather frustrated. It probably didn’t help that they wrote my name wrong and there were other less-than-professional spelling errors.
2.) I HAD TROUBLE CHANGING CREDIT CARDS. Then there was the time that moving and credit cards screwed things up, and I couldn’t get into my account no matter how many times I changed the password–but this customer service person was wonderful.
3.) I DIDN’T GET MY BOX! There was also that one time my Causebox never showed up . . . but again, my new best friends (ahem, I mean good ol’ customer service) saved the day.
BUT, THESE WERE PROBLEMS BECAUSE . . . In retrospect, I am pretty sure these were just the growing pains of a new company, as since this was originally posted, I haven’t had a glitch.
What About The Stuff In The Causebox You Don’t Want?
The other thing I am not always a fan of is getting things I will never use, nor will someone else ever use. For example, in this year’s Spring Box, I received a designer scarf (that was ugly) and ethically sourced rose mist.
Who uses costly, organic, vegan, ethically, etc… rose mist? Really?! Heck, even if they are otherwise expensive and ethically sourced products, I don’t want them. I get it if you want to shame me for using them as teacher’s gifts.
HOWEVER, if you switch to an annual membership, you can choose what goes in your box. I MUST do this.
Overall, though, is the Causebox worth getting? I still feel like what I like or use as gifts in the Causebox is definitely worth the price, even despite the items that I am not a fan of.
Opening The Causebox
Because I love you and really wanted you to get a glimpse inside of a Causebox, you can watch me open and unpack one in this video (from May, 2016). I also talk about pretty much everything I covered above, while showing you that month’s products:
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@AverageAdvocate” suffix=”(TWEET THIS!)”]So, is the Causebox worth it? Personally, I think so.[/inlinetweet]
How do I get a Causebox?
STEP 1: Click on this link.
STEP 2: Sign-up to be a Causebox member and I am pretty sure there is a way you can get 20% off (it is about $50-$60, depending on taxes, if you pay per season, etc… I just realized as I am not quitting anytime soon, I should switch to annual!)
STEP 3: Give them your credit card and shipping address
STEP 4: Wait for your box to arrive!
STEP 5: Take a pic with your favorite thing in it and tag me in it on Instagram because it would make me happy!

(Yes, I am an affiliate of Causebox and could possibly get paid a smidgen if you clicking on some of these links. However, when I originally wrote it, I wasn’t originally affiliate. Thankfully, I suck at lying, so I’m still giving you my honest to God truth about whether this box is worth it or not).

If This Helped You, Check Out These:
Are Swell Bottles Really Socially Good?
How Politics Pushed Me To Only Buy Ethically Sourced Clothes
What Is Conscious Fashion And Why Your Choice Matters
