Consulting for nonprofits social good projects, small orgs

Do you have a vision to change the world, but either don’t have a plan, have hurtles keeping you from being effective, or need an outside perspective to achieve your vision?

I can help you bring your world changing vision to life. Whether it is starting a non-profit, community organization, ministry, social business, or connecting with others to carry your message, I’ve got your back!

Social Good Consulting with Average Advocate

Social Good Consulting

Consulting is for non-profits, grassroots movements, organizations, churches, social businesses, personal projects, websites, marketing, etc…

Consulting will help refine vision, values, develop leadership, brainstorm ideas, organize and make a plan to move forward in your mission to love others and change the world.

Although just one meeting can be helpful, these can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly to empower you. Depending on the need, these can also be working meetings, or just my time working on YOUR PROJECT.

Coaching and consulting intensives with Average ADvocate

Consulting Intensives

These are 2-4 hour meetings for those who already have a vision and idea for what they want to do, but just need someone to help them flesh it out, provide feedback and wisdom, and plan out steps to make it happen!

Coaching intensives are thrilling to be part of, because throughout the meeting something new and world-changing will become ready to be born!

In addition to the coaching intensive, you will be sent follow-up notes, your a plan, and any necessary referrals.

Schedule a 20 minute (no pressure) video call to see if we’re a good fit!

What Does Consulting Include and What Does it Cost?

This includes the following:

  • Coaching to help you determine your plan
  • Values, vision, and mission clarification
  • Strategy sessions
  • Goal planning and scheduling
  • Scheduled meetings
  • Availability through emails and text
  • Tools, worksheets, and referrals to developmental tools
  • Coaching and assistance though your process
  • Encouragement and support along the way

Would you benefit from a consultant?

  • Would an outside perspective encourage you as you become a world changer?
  • Do you have a vision/passion but you don’t know how to transform it into something tangible?
  • Are you a burnt-out do-gooder who needs someone to walk with you as your recover and reorder to focus on what you really want to?
  • Does your business, church, community, or organization need someone to provide vision, direction and management to accomplish a specific advocacy project or objective?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, advocacy consulting or coaching is for you!

What are my rates?

Would you benefit from a consultant?

  • Would an outside perspective encourage you as you become a world changer?
  • Do you have a vision/passion but you don’t know how to transform it into something tangible?
  • Are you a burnt-out do-gooder who needs someone to walk with you as your recover and reorder to focus on what you really want to?
  • Does your business, church, community, or organization need someone to provide vision, direction and management to accomplish a specific advocacy project or objective?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, advocacy consulting or coaching is for you.

What is the difference between coaching and consulting?

Coaching and consulting have different methods of practice. Coaching is usually focused on helping an individual or team become better–via their own choices. Consulting is more like getting advice and expertise. 

Because of the social good-leadership field I help people in, it isn’t uncommon for individuals and groups to need guidance in both of these areas. As such, my services often overlap and include elements of both coaching and consulting, but are leaning on one side or the other.

As we work together I try to be clear about what role I am playing as we move forward. For example, if you are doing life-coaching with me and are asking for advice on world-changing things you are doing, I will confirm I am acting more as a consultant at the moment, just to make sure my feedback is something you are interested in. Alternatively, while consulting on a project, I might ask questions or prompt you through your goals like a coach would.  

Read more about the differences below:


Most individuals or organizations don’t always have the time and expertise to work on their world-changing efforts, let alone take the time to become a better advocates by focusing on their own personal development. Both Consulting and Coaching provides feedback, re-organization, processes, vision, and encouragement to help expand influence your brand of influence on the world, while not sacrificing the important for what feels urgent.

Consultations are focused on projects and organizations, rather than your personal growth and vision. I guide you through networking, plan, and coordinating on your project or organization’s behalf. Getting feedback on the world changing ideas might be just what your project or organization needs to move forward.

On an organizational level, this might look like helping you become a non-profit, or how to take steps to grow your organization. It often looks like internal development of structure, processes, vision, goals, and values to make sure you are walking the path you want to walk–something that can easily be forgotten during rapid growth, or, alternatively, starting small and moving into a new season.

In the same way, when it comes to consulting for a vision/project, my goals are also to refine that vision, give feedback on what might work or not work, and outline a plan for moving forward–covering everything from management to social media. Regardless, I always incorporate elements of coaching into consulting sessions.

You have the final say on the direction you want to go.

How I Can Help You:

  • Mentorship, team, and leadership development
  • Parenting
  • Non-profit development
  • Project management
  • Volunteer coordination guidance
  • Founding systems and processes
  • Assessing skills and strengths for better focus
  • Establishing goals
  • Creating an event plan
  • Evolving and processing your ideas
  • Clarifying vision
  • Providing networking assistance
  • Developing connections
  • Directing online communications and marketing development
  • Acting as a visionary
  • Expanding potential
  • Directing community development research
  • Business planning
  • Facilitating brainstorming sessions
  • Creating missions statements
  • Public speaking for events (with booking fee)

As a consultant or coach I jump in with different strengths and experience to empowering you as you change the world. 

Am I the right consultant for you?

After growing-up seeped in community efforts, public ministry, and non-profit work, then spending the majority of my adult life working as an advocate–I have reached a place where my experience and knowledge is now helpful to others.

I have a degree in the social sciences with a concentration on cultural anthropology, which I’ve continued to build-on through continual research on global issues and following the experts and NGOs working on these issues

In addition, I have been trained in forms of lay counseling, have walk with trauma survivors through their healing, and am well-read on various mental disorders and therapies. I practice multiple modalities of coaching, have been certified through various organizations, and am well-read on practices.

Marketing, developing a message, communicating values, and branding are also areas I have broad experience.

But my life experience rather than head knowledge is likely even more valuable to you. Not only have I been a continual participant and have been mentored in the workings of outreach through my whole childhood, but as an adult I’ve lived this life. First as a missionary, then as church staff, and following that, the coordinator for a community organization and leader and director in various ministries over the years, as well as a leadership trainer. I have founded two anti-trafficking nonprofits.

Through all of this, I’ve been asked to advise others on their own projects, and learned how to coach through assisting others.

Not to be forgotten, my own transformation–through mistakes and discovering who I am–as well as my strengths as a natural entrepreneur, innovator, visionary and connector have shaped me into a unique consultant and coach to walk alongside others.

Thank you for considering me as your consultant! BOOK A FREE, NO PRESSURE DISCOVERY CALL TODAY (click here) or contact me to see if we are a good fit here!

I can guarantee that if you move forward in consulting, you can expect to be transformed.