We might like the idea of diversity or connecting with other cultures, but it can be incredibly intimidating for many of us. How do we get over this? In this short episode of Justice Daily, like me, you’ll grow in your confidence and understanding.

What Was This Connecting with and Caring for Diverse Cultures Interview About?

Dr. Michelle Reyes joined us today to talk about connecting with diverse cultures! Despite having some technical difficulties, we had a great convo! Here are some of the topics we covered:

  • What is CQ and why it matters!
  • Not erasing your identity while connecting
  • What to do when you or your friends aren’t really interested in connecting with diverse groups
  • How to empower the kids in your life with strategies to engage with everyday moments when they see bullying or hurtful cultural things happening around them
  • Why your voice matters in this arena
  • Moving from shaming people to change in diverse situations to having grace-filled CQ growth

Take a listen to this short episode of #JusticeDaily and stay tuned to when it is released on podcast too! ⏩Follow @michelleamireyes on IG and DM her for her free guide to connect with diverse cultures.

Listen to the Interview Here!

“It’s helpful to understand the playing field. When it comes to the issues of culture and race there is probably only 3% of the population that are one-hundred percent in. There are about 60% of people who think this is important but don’t know what to do about it…we take the long road.”

Dr. Michelle Reyes

Cultural Competency

This winter, I decided to be intentional about growing my competency and confidence in multicultural and diverse environments. I’ve known Dr. Michelle Reyes for a couple years and have been very encouraged through her content. She is one of the few diversity educators I know who promote grace and connection first in their education about racial issues. This time, I took her up on some coaching and decided to do a cultural intelligence (CQ) assessment.

As a cultural anthropology major, having lived in other countries, and growing up in some ways that are similar to a missionary kid (I identify as third culture, you can read about that here) I don’t feel like I am “dumb” when it comes to cultural dynamics. But I have hurt and perpetuated harm unintentionally to minority groups in the United States. I had lost so much confidence in interacting with diverse groups. In retrospect, I think I signed-up for coaching almost as a self-designed consequence for the way I had harmed. It would be way to make amends (with people who don’t want to make ademeds with me) and get back on the right track. I was hoping to be told how to be a better person.

Instead this is what I experiences through coaching:

1.) A lot of healing, both in understanding my own identity and values, as well as forgiving and accepting myself for where I am at, regardless of my past mistakes 

2.) What steps I could take to get unstuck from fear of engaging with diverse populations

3.) I was able to recognize much influence I already had in multicultural/diverse environments that I hadn’t been attending to

The outcome has beyond surprised me. It was only a couple sessions and it has really revolutionized my experience with diverse groups. This has equipped me to practice justice daily better and affected me personally in a lot of good ways. I can’t recommend doing a CQ assessment and coaching session/s with Dr. Michelle Reyes enough! (And I promise, I am not getting paid for this!)

Check her out here! Here are some of the things she offeres:

  • CQ assessments and coaching
  • Business/Org consulting to help you tap into diverse populations (great for schools, churches, businesses)
  • Seasoned With Grace Course (how to engage in conversations about race with grace)

“Eventually we get to a middle ground, where I feel more comfortable being who I am, talking about who I am…and getting to a give-and-take. It is helpful to think of cross-cultural relationships in a phase one-phase phase-two timeline.

Michelle Reyes

The Books: Race Wise Family and All Things by Michelle Reyes

Get her books, Become All Things, and Race Wise Family! (this are an affiliate links, which don’t affect you, but help me buy coffee!)