(For those receiving this via feedburner subscription, please ignore this, as it automatically sends out posts even if we “publish” them in the past. Just a little snafu to deal with today as we remodel a few things. Apologies! But, stay tuned for LBD Project 2016!)
This Year’s Total: $4400
Do you have a picture you want me I can post from #LBD2014? If so, please send it to me! Here is mine:
2014 Little Black Dress is Here!
Project Little Black Dress 2014 is here! Previously, we did this in February. But then I had a baby.
Considering my newborn has been flourishing, dispensing lots of spit-up and sleepless-nights, for my sake this year you all agreed to push it back a month to March.
So, together we will don our black dresses or shirts or skirts or fishnet leggings for a month in order to raise awareness and funds for those whom are begging for an intervention.

Day 40 (03.11.12.) DONE!!!What will this year bring? Our goal is to raise 10K for our select organizations this year!
For those of you who don’t know, in February/March 2012, a few of us wore a black dress or shirt for a month or longer. We were inspired to walk with the poor of the world, who often usually have to wear the same thing daily. We raised money for famine and food crisis victims- in fact, we raised enough to feed seventy kids for a whole month! By challenging ourselves and others around us, we rose up to be advocates for people we had never even met. But our efforts, and many of your gifts, changed people’s lives.
Little things can make a big difference.
Then last year, in 2013, a larger group took part in the same project. This time we raised money to help those in our world who have been forced, used, mistreated, and abandoned. These are the modern slaves of our world, also known as victims of human trafficking. As we wore the same shirt/dress, we experienced what it is like to have limited choice. Our freedom was only slightly limited, whereas the freedom of the trafficking victims we were representing had been unjustly stolen from them. Together last year we raised over $6000 for three anti-trafficking organizations helping stop this injustice- IJM, Sak Sam, and Love146!
This year our goal is to raise even more money for organizations that help prevent, rescue and restore trafficking victims. I’m wondering if we can raise $10,000. Each year I have been so surprised what a handful of us together can accomplish for what I see as the Kingdom of God as described in Isaiah 58.
The organizations:
A21 Campaign
This first is a quality organization I’ve known about for years, but my blogger friend, Steph at Encouraged In Heart, is a big supporter of. The A21 Campaign works in some of the top trafficking hubs around the world- Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. It has also expanded within the United States too. They work in prevention, protection (recovery/restoration), prosecution, and through creating partnerships to complete these things.
To donate here, go to this link for the A21 Campaign: http://www.crowdrise.com/
The next organization I am just completely biased about, considering I am currently it’s director. The Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Initiative is a community organization sponsored by churches in the Virginia suburbs of DC to fight human trafficking in this area. We consider ourselves a funnel between those on the frontlines (non-profits, law enforcement, shelters, etc…) and the faith community, serving to bring them together to effectively do something locally. The funds raised will go to help our organization continue to be influential as well as provide funding to victims in our area.
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Lastly we again have the option to donate money to the International Justice Mission, known as IJM. These guys were some of the front-runners bringing the issue of modern slavery to light. They work to end all types of human trafficking, as well as stopping other injustices (like taking back land stolen from widows or freeing prisoners that had no trial). I know some of you are part of IJM Campus Chapters. We want you!
To donate to this organization, go to this link:Â http://www.crowdrise.com/
Just Do It!
If you feel like this is something you should do, please let me know. Don’t be afraid! Although it is challenging, it is oh so rewarding! Also, forward this post to anyone whom you might think is interested! I am excited to already have people joining me! Our impact is much greater when we work together. Let’s bring freedom!
In a nutshell, this is how this advocacy project works:
- Be committed to wearing the same item of black clothing part of every day for a month.
- Ideally, share a picture of you in that same item daily.
- Let those around you know why you are wearing the same thing all the time.
- Lead the way by making a donation to these organizations.
- Ask those you know to donate $5+ to the fundraising page (or yourself, which you in turn will donate for them).
For more information on how to take part in Project Little Black Dress, this post explains how. Pay special attention to “The Escapist Rules” section, which goes into more detail about what you can get away with. Then this post gives steps 1-5 to support you. Just be sure to change the wording to fit this year’s goals.
Then, this one, 15 Questions About Little Black Dress 2014 is specifically for you taking part this year!
For all of you who are just interested in how we pulled these off the last two years look at these posts (this includes the pictures – scroll down on these posts!):
Review of Little Black Dress Project 2013 & Ending Human Trafficking in the DC Suburbs
2012 Action: Little Black Dress Photos and Overview
If you want to understand my motivation, why I cared, and how hard/easy this project was, go to these posts many below. The answers to your questions are spelled out there like in a spelling bee:
Action: Little Black Dress Pt.1
Action: Little Black Dress Pt.2 (The How)
2013 Action: Little Black Dress
Art of Advocacy: Wearing Hope in a Little Black Dress
Review: Action Little Black Dress in Retrospect
2013 Little Black Dress Support
A victim can be. . . you:
(from the A21 Campaign)
A little more about IJM: