A lot can change between one place and another. This post, What Happens Between Two Cities explores the pursuit of purpose. And not just in trying to change the world and making a difference, but assuming we’ve arrived there. But do we ever arrive? Here’s some snippets from this story.
What Happens Between Two Cities
Tijuana is a lot like where I live now, in San Diego. The sun smiles down on us daily and the temperature is almost always within a degree of perfect. We have the same dry dust, rugged plants, and we are both situated between the sea and low coastal mountains. Our cities would be one, except for the border running through them.
I stand on one side, speaking one language. A woman whose first language is Spanish stands on the other. She is also married, with four kids. She also craves to make a difference…

Here’s another snippet from this post:
In Mexico, I had a close-up of poverty and many other social issues. And within them, I saw our service make an impact. After being challenged by a sermon for youth at a mission-base in Tijuana, I committed my life as a love-offering to full-time service when I grew up. My worldview was limited, and as I didn’t know of any girl pastors, I figured I’d become a missionary.
But there was a lifetime between my days visiting south of the border and now, living just north of it…
You Can Read The Rest Here: What Happens Between Two Cities