Do you  want to make a difference?

Where do you  want to make a difference?


Never underestimate how your influence here makes a difference out there


Mr. Rogers and Daniel Tiger both got it right: Always begin in our neighborhood


Because truly, it’s a small world after all…

Before changing the world, putting what is important first keeps us from burning out:

  • Adulting, doing good, and even succeeding just brings on more responsibilities
  • Figuring out your purpose, identity and what to move forward is paramount

What topic is on your mind today?


What Empowers You?

You know what is nice? People that get you and also want to be empowered to make a difference in the world. Groups can be cool. 

Life Mapping

Discover What Way to Go and Plan to Get There

Mentorship Circle

Empowering Women Leaders Who Follow Jesus

Serve +Equip

When Justice Intersects With Faith




A Little Bird Told Me…

“Elisa creates such a safe community for beginner advocates! I am so thankful for Average Advocate!”  -Sarah

“Making my Story Worth Living gave me a picture, vision, and clarity to the jumbled words that were in my head about my future.”   –Meg

“I am so thankful for Elisa believing in me and investing in me. She has had a huge impact in my life…her example as a mentor has shaped me and sharpened me so profoundly!”  -Heidi

“I love following Elisa, learning from her, and watching her journey! Average Advocate inspires me continuously!” -K.B.


Room at the table invitation Average ADvocate
Bring Your Voice to the Table
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You're In! Looking forward to hearing from you! Would love to stay connected in the meantime at @averageadvocate on socials! -Elisa