Ready to leverage your influence on social media to create good change in the world? Today for #JusticeDaily I interviewed @meganericson on using social media to make a difference!

I’ve been learning from her (and her weekly trends email) for a year or two and even I learned a few things in this interview!

After you’re done listening, be sure to follow her @meganericson to give her some love 💛

We also talked about Blackout Trafficking and nonprofits using social media. It isn’t too late to join us in this year’s challenge @blackouttrafficking by going here.

Thanks again Megan!

What did we cover about using social media to make a difference?

This is not all the topics we talked about, but here are some of the interview questions I asked Megan so you can decide for yourself if you wan to take the time to listen.

  • A lot of our listeners are creatives with a message that matters, changemakers and justice advocates. They might want people to know “mental health matters” or “there is hope for our racially divided world,” but don’t really know how to share it well. For those first starting out, what would be your advice?
  • Years ago I wrote a well-received article on creating human trafficking awareness that is actually compelling. What do you think makes a message more compelling on social media? Any tips?
  • Can you talk to the ever changing nature of social media–especially for non-profits and ministries who’s strategies were based off a certain method and that changed? That is so frustrating–what would you say to them?
  • What about for those participating in fundraisers/awareness campaigns, like @BlackoutTrafficking — how can they leverage their social media well?
  • Now have you yourself used social media to talk about social issues, causes, or messages that are important to you? What has worked well, and what hasn’t?
  • I talk a lot about the intersection between our everyday lifestyles and living justly. But this integration is really hard once we get into online spaces. I see a lot of changemakers get pushed off course by the overwhelm of and negative communication in social media–what suggestions do you have for us to do this dance well?
  • What about trends on social media? Are they worth following? How do you know what is and isn’t? 
  • Maybe most importantly, what about the mindsets that are so frequently in the social media world? Competition, scarcity, comparison? How do we overcome those? 
  • What about you personally, do you have any stories of how you’ve grown more fully alive by making a difference through your purpose of helping others with social media? What have you learned about yourself on your own journey?

Here are some other posts on social media you might be interested in: