Did you know each of us have different roles in social change? We all play different parts in doing good, based on our experience, skill, natural bent, and stage of life. Deepa Iyer has mapped out these changemaker roles to give us guidance as we make a difference through the Social Change Ecosystem framework.

What Was the Interview On Social Change Ecosystems About?

Today @deepaviyer joined me for a #JusticeDaily interview about a framework she developed called the Social Change Ecosystem. This conversation was both practical as well as personal. I felt so encouraged as I walked away from it!


Here we’re somethings we covered:

šŸŒæ Social Change Ecosystem
šŸŒæ What a movement is
šŸŒæ Roles and how they work
šŸŒæ The way reflection helps us
šŸŒæ Parenting as changemakers
šŸŒæ How to get started
šŸŒæ Situation in Gaza/Israel
šŸŒæ Changing roles in different seasons
Privilege (including my own awkward stumbling DeePa was gracious with!)

And a lot more! Be sure to listen and comment on what part was helpful for you!

Listen to the Interview Here!

So What are the Social Change Ecosystem Roles?

It is definitely worth knowing what these are and learning about the ones you practice! For example, although at one point I think I’ve done all of these, I more naturally fall into being a weaver, visionary, storyteller, and an experimenter. Then, over the last five years I’ve switched more into a guide role. It actually has been helpful for me, exploring these, to help me process the change in seasons, which is something we go through in the Five Phases of Rising Up.

Here they are with my own interpretation of these social change roles:

  • Weavers – those connecting different ideas or people
  • Experimenters – those trying new things
  • Guides – those who are coaching and leading others with their experiences
  • Frontline Responders – those right where services are provided firsthand
  • Visionaries – those who are coming up with ideas and inspiring others to dream big
  • Builders – those who are creating policy and procedure
  • Caregivers – those who are first-hand coming alongside those in need
  • Disrupters – those protesting or doing something that messes with the status quo, causing others to rethink
  • Healers – those who are addressing past trauma and trying to ensure it doesn’t repeat in new ways
  • Storytellers – those who are sharing narratives and experiences that lead others to caring about social issues
Social Change Ecosystem map is from Deepa Iyer to help organizations and people figure out their roles in social change movements. Weavers, Experimenters, Guides, Frontline Responders, Visionaries, Builders, Caregivers, Disrupters, Healers, Storytellers are all part of the equity liberation justice solidarity movement

Next Steps With the Social Change Ecosystems

These are some of the ways to come alongside Deepa Iyer and her work! Or instead, grow through the resources and partnership:

“In our lives and as part of organizations, workplaces and movements, many of us play different
roles in pursuit of equity, shared liberation, inclusion, and justice. And yet, we often get
overwhelmed, lost, and burned out. Some of us are newcomers to ongoing social change efforts
and donā€™t know where to start. Still others are catalyzed into action in the midst of a crisis in our

Deepa Iyer

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