I felt like I failed.

A couple of days ago, we were at the trampoline park. Baby and I sat on some sofas as the other kids played. A few minutes later, two women speaking Arabic sat next to me, eating and chatting excitedly. Then a couple more women came. And then more. Soon I found myself among a gaggle of Arabic-speaking women where I was the minority.

Read the rest of this post I wrote for Women of Welcome: Reframing Welcome

I felt like I failed at being welcoming. For someone who talks as much as I do about taking hold of opportunities like these, how had it gone so wrong?

Or did it?

What if what I did was exactly enough? How could I reframe this scenario?

Read the rest of Reframing Welcome!

(Only a one minute read)

Right now, during Ramadan, this feels even more pertinent! How can you practice welcoming?

Other posts on the Art of Advocacy of Welcoming here:

Is Your Welcome Backwards?

Did Jesus Welcome? – Join Me!

3 Questions Know What To do With Needs: An Example Based on Afghan Refugees

Making A Difference Through Proximity