
How To Be An Advocate When You Don’t Know Where You Stand: On  Palestine/Israel

How To Be An Advocate When You Don’t Know Where You Stand: On Palestine/Israel

How do we engage in advocacy when we don't know where we stand on a social issue? One of the most divisive topics right now is what is going down in the Middle East, specifically between Palestine and Israel. It is a good example of how people respond (or don't...

Reducing Trauma’s Influence in Doing Good: Justice Daily – S2.E2.

Reducing Trauma’s Influence in Doing Good: Justice Daily – S2.E2.

How do we reduce trauma’s influence in our work of doing good? In this Justice Daily Interview with Michelle Stiffler, a trauma specialist, we learn about helping us endure beyond burnout and get real about Fight Flight, Fawn, Freeze

What is Happening With Migrants Near San Diego?

What is Happening With Migrants Near San Diego?

What is happening with migrants in San Diego? Are there really outdoor detention camps in Jucumba California for asylum seekers? Here’s what I saw.

When You Doubt Your Influence as a Changemaker

When You Doubt Your Influence as a Changemaker

Do you ever doubt that you have influence to make a difference? The playlists that go through our minds, whether positive or negative, really affect who we are. And who we are, especially what we believe about ourselves, really defines how we try to change the world....

Art of Advocacy: When It is Time To Cocoon

Art of Advocacy: When It is Time To Cocoon

I've been writing a lot recently to process what has been going on in the United States. Not only have we been dealing with COVID-19, unemployment and politics, but also something dear to my heart, racism. In my lifetime, the issue of racism has never been brought...

March Social Good Awareness, Advocacy, and Activism Days

Want to make doing good easier? Take advantage of the resources out there during the month through March's themes and advocacy days. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we simply join in with what is already out there. This reduces a lot of the stress, overwhelm, and...

Justice-Minded Kids Book Release!

I am excited to announce that Justice-Minded Kids has been released this July, 2024! I can't wait for this book to get into the hands of the right teachers, parents and caregivers. I believe Justice-Minded Kids: Bite-sized challenges to empower kids to practice...

The Life Mapping Workbook Release!

Guess what? After originally being written in 2016, a then a few revisions, The Life Mapping Workbook has been officially launched as a book this June 2024! It is all about be who you’re meant to be so you can make the difference you’re born to make! Get The Life...




Busy Moms, Community, Family & Relationships, Raising Kids


Anthropology Psychology Sociology, Mental Health, Recovery, Safe Spaces


Understanding Terms for Poor Nations vs. Rich Nations

Terms of Poverty Whether in public political addresses or in pleas from non-profits, we have all heard some of these terms thrown around at some point or another. But just because we can infer their general meaning, I...

Ethical Fashion, Fair Trade Products, Giving Back, Socially Conscious Brands

Top Rated

Children-in-Need, Clean Water, Conflicts, Wars, Genocides and Atrocities, Global Health, Good Charities, Helping that Doesn't Hurt, Human Rights, Poverty, Refugees and Immigration, Seeking Justice, United States

Top Rated

Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking

Top Rated



Spiritual Discipleship


Life Purpose, Live Intentionally, Personal Growth, Productivity


Poem for Changemakers

Why do Changemakers burnout? This poem for Changemakers was written to help them see their value.

Justice Daily Manifesto

Justice Daily Manifesto

Curious about the intersection between justice and your everday life? This 21-point manifesto is a great starting place to challenge yourself! Mulitple desgins, print your favorite, and begin living daily each day.

You just got your Justice Daily Manifesto! Continue on your journey to practice living justice each day of your life! Find me on socials @averageadvocate and let me know what phase you're in!