
What is Conscious Fashion & Why Your Choice Matters

What is Conscious Fashion & Why Your Choice Matters

Do you think conscious fashion sounds like a buzzword? I thought it was a little complicated, so I went to bloggers Sutton + Grove to give us an explanation of conscious fashion that is relevant to us normal people (i.e., too busy working 60 hours a week while...

Your Personal Invitation to the LBD.Project 2017

Your Personal Invitation to the LBD.Project 2017

YOUR PERSONAL INVITE Every year Average Advocate runs a project called the LBD.Project (or the Little Black Dress Project). I've been talking about it a lot recently. In it, we each choose a black item of clothing, wearing it every day through March. Through it, we...

Helpful Fundraising Hints

Helpful Fundraising Hints

Fundraising isn't always the easiest thing to do, but every year during the LBD.Project--where we fight slavery during the month of March--we try to make it as easy as possible for our participants to fundraise. We want them to know how to get their ducks in a row, so...

Fear Leads To Anger; Anger Leads To Hate

Fear Leads To Anger; Anger Leads To Hate

I know I've mentioned Jen before (Everyone Has a Jen; Everyone Needs a Jen (Why You Shouldn't Give Up) but I don't think I mentioned how much she loves Star Wars. Considering this side of her has yet to be introduced to the tribe of world changers at Average Advocate,...




Busy Moms, Community, Family & Relationships, Raising Kids


Identity Crisis #3467 – My Messy Beautiful

The other day, my daughter was excitedly expressing her admiration of the teachers and helpers at her school. I usually resist the temptation to to ask my kids what they want to be when they grow up because at some point in my...

Anthropology Psychology Sociology, Mental Health, Recovery, Safe Spaces


Understanding Terms for Poor Nations vs. Rich Nations

Terms of Poverty Whether in public political addresses or in pleas from non-profits, we have all heard some of these terms thrown around at some point or another. But just because we can infer their general meaning, I...

Ethical Fashion, Fair Trade Products, Giving Back, Socially Conscious Brands

Top Rated

Children-in-Need, Clean Water, Conflicts, Wars, Genocides and Atrocities, Global Health, Good Charities, Helping that Doesn't Hurt, Human Rights, Poverty, Refugees and Immigration, Seeking Justice, United States

Top Rated

Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking

Top Rated



Spiritual Discipleship


Life Purpose, Live Intentionally, Personal Growth, Productivity


Poem for Changemakers

Why do Changemakers burnout? This poem for Changemakers was written to help them see their value.

Justice Daily Manifesto

Justice Daily Manifesto

Curious about the intersection between justice and your everday life? This 21-point manifesto is a great starting place to challenge yourself! Mulitple desgins, print your favorite, and begin living daily each day.

You just got your Justice Daily Manifesto! Continue on your journey to practice living justice each day of your life! Find me on socials @averageadvocate and let me know what phase you're in!