Poem: The In-Between (Lupus in Pregnancy #8)
No one likes being in the in-between seasons of life. I might be a justice seeker, but what does that look like when I can't move, don't feel well, and am partially aware and partially not? The in-between spaces of life are often not our favorites. At Christmas, we...
#NoHustleNovember and SYSTEMIC Lupus #1
Being admitted to the hospital wasn't exactly how I expected to start No Hustle November, but it sure goes with the theme. A slew of doctors are trying to figure out all the things that have gone berserk with my body. But at this point, it seems likely the root of it...
Poem: I hate This (Lupus and Pregnancy Update #7)
I hate this. I want to get better. The Psalms are filled with lament, grief, acceptance, and praise. Here's my own Psalm for this week (+a couple pictures from this year's adventures!) I hate this; I want to get better. Climb mountains with my children Camp in forest...
Leadership That Let’s You Rest: #NoHustleVember (Lupus in Pregnancy #3)
There is a reason we need good leadership. Leadership can help us not to hustle. This #NoHustleVember (No Hustle November), while I've had lupus in pregnancy, I've greatly needed good leadership. I hope you can discover this too. The truth is, I was heartbroken when I...
#NoHustleVember And Productivity: Pregnancy in Lupus Update #4
What in me won’t stop the hustle for productivity? During this #NoHustleVember while I have Lupus in Pregnancy it important to deal with this.
Why Reaching 20 Weeks is a Big Deal! Lupus in Pregnancy Update #5
Wooowhooo! Guess why today is a big day? Today marks 20 weeks! In the United States this 1/2 way point throug3h pregnancy is the defining factor between pushing towards pregnancy viability and, well, not. (In other countries this date is later, usually at 24 weeks...
Where In the Story? Lupus in Pregnancy Update #6
Lupus Update in Pregnancy? What’s the real story of having a flare with SLE? Here’s the real narrative.
Not the Baby Announcement I Planned (Lupus #2)
This wasn't the baby announcement I had planned. Many of you know I am in the hospital. A couple weeks ago I was diagnosed with THE DESPICABLE systemic lupus erythematosus, currently attacking my kidneys, subcutaneous lupus, and autoimmune hair loss. Yet not all of...
In Honor of a World Changer
This poem is in honor of a world changer, Leah Flores, who died recently.
PopularSwamp Wisdom: An Ecclesiastes on Human Rights
Ever heard of ancient King Solomon? He was said to be the wisest of them all as he philosophized...
Busy Moms, Community, Family & Relationships, Raising Kids
PopularStorm Chaser; Change Chaser: On Saying Goodbye
How Can Anyone Say Goodbye? I’m starting to feel all panicky that I am leaving all my...
Anthropology Psychology Sociology, Mental Health, Recovery, Safe Spaces
PopularUnderstanding Terms for Poor Nations vs. Rich Nations
Terms of Poverty Whether in public political addresses or in pleas from non-profits, we have all heard some of these terms thrown around at some point or another. But just because we can infer their general meaning, I...
Ethical Fashion, Fair Trade Products, Giving Back, Socially Conscious Brands
Top RatedArtisan Fair Trade Made Simple: Trades of Hope
Ready to learn how to do fair trade simply? Learn all about fair trade, rising up and Trades of Hope with Stephanie and Elisa
Children-in-Need, Clean Water, Conflicts, Wars, Genocides and Atrocities, Global Health, Good Charities, Helping that Doesn't Hurt, Human Rights, Poverty, Refugees and Immigration, Seeking Justice, United States
Top RatedConsiderations From A White Man
This is part of the series, Your Voice on Racism. Do you have a story to share? We need to hear...
Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking
Top RatedUnderstanding Foster Care As Changemakers
Have you ever thought "I wonder if we should foster?" or on the flip-side, "I could never foster?" Karly addresses all of this in our #JusticeDaily interview to give us understanding on foster care
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How can we be intentional in the middle of it all? We can living purposefully in seasons of...
Spiritual Discipleship
LatestWe Can’t Escape Real Life While Changemaking
We can't escape real life while we are changemaking. The context matters. Let's be aware of these four elements as we create change.
Life Purpose, Live Intentionally, Personal Growth, Productivity
LatestFive Steps To Begin Restful Changemaking
A Path for Restful Changemaking: I’m not shy about my story of burnout while having my life...
Five Steps To Begin Restful Changemaking
A Path for Restful Changemaking: I’m not shy about my story of burnout while having my life...
Social Justice For the Sensitive Soul – Justice Daily S3E6
Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit the model for classic activism? That you were too...
How To Be An Advocate When You Don’t Know Where You Stand: On Palestine/Israel
How do we engage in advocacy when we don’t know where we stand on a social issue? One of the...
Poem for Changemakers
Why do Changemakers burnout? This poem for Changemakers was written to help them see their value.
Responding to Injustice With Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn
Do our responses to social issues reflect trauma responses? If so, how can we help ourselves to help others better?
We Can’t Escape Real Life While Changemaking
We can’t escape real life while we are changemaking. The context matters. Let’s be aware of these four elements as we create change.